BMEcat 2005 ETIM 3.1 & ouder
InstallData supports imports and export in the BMEcat 2005 format. BMEcat 2005 is a German standard for distributing catalogue information. Technically it is a very comprehensive and extensible XML format. The format is mainly focussed on sellable products from manufactures. It pays less attention to the method of distinguishing manufacturer products from wholesalers trade items in comparison to GS1 (on which InstallData is based). BMEcat 2005 format is very well documented and "fused" with an XML schema. We will validate every import against this schema.
More information about BMEcat can be found here
Different model
It is good to keep in mind that the BMEcat 2005 format has some other roots in comparison to the GS1 standard on which InstallData is based. A noted earlier a main difference is the way of distinguishing manufacturer products from wholesalers trade items within InstallData. Another difference is the method of describing the trade item information. Following BMEcat you will order a product one or more times but in GS1 world you order a packaging (for example using a GTIN) with some products in it.
There are lot more differences, probably every field has a slightly different naunce.
ETIM Guide and Extension
ETIM Deutschland has done a very good job by creating a manual and some extensions to BMEcat 2005, especially for the electrical industry. Some of the differnces between BMEcat and GS1 are faded out by ETIM. InstallData follows the ETIM guidelines as far as possible, we are supporting the last version (2.2) of the "ETIM Guideline for Suppliers". Although we can import a standard BMEcat 2005 file we prefer a BMEcat 2005 file formatted and extended using the ETIM Guidelines. Unfortunately there is not a complete XML schema available. InstallData has, based on work of our Swiss friends, created a schema with the most essential parts. For download please refer to the next paragraph.
More information about ETIM Deutchland and the suppliers guid can be found here
To be sure that the BMEcat file is specified along the right schema, InstallData developed the XML Validation Tool. This tool will check the BMEcat file on some critical points along the XSD schema.
Wanneer bestandsuitwisseling plaatsvindt via XML georiënteerde bestandsformaten (zoals BMEcat of INSBOU) is het van groot belang dat het aangeleverde bestand opgebouwd is volgens het juiste (XSD of DTD) schema. Met de XML Validatie Tool heeft u de mogelijkheid om het bestand, voordat u deze verwerkt naar InstallData, te controleren op essentiële punten van het bijhorende schema.
InstallData Extension
Although much can be imported and/or converted from BMEcat 2005 + ETIM to our database we had the need to import some additional or slightly different information. We have made a minimum of additions to the ETIM Extended fields in two categories. The first are extensions to the main PRODUCT and the second some extensions to the ETIM PACKAGING_UNIT.
Field | Type | Description | Mapping |
UDX.2BA.SERIES | dtSTRING(0..35) | The product series / model | 2BA.Product.Serie |
UDX.2BA.TYPE | dtSTRING(0..35) | The product type / variation | 2BA.Product.Type |
UDX.2BA.DEEPLINK | dtSTRING(0..512) | Link to the product details on the website of the manufacturer | 2BA.Product.Deeplink |
UDX.2BA.STATUSCODE | dtSTRING(0..3) | Statuscode in GS1 format (84E, 94E, 130) | 2BA.Product.Statuscode |
UDX.2BA.PRODUCTPREDECESSOR/UDX.EDXF.TRADEITEMID | dtSTRING(0..35) | The manufacturers productnumber to the predecessor | 2BA.Product.ProductcodeVoorganger |
UDX.2BA.PRODUCTPREDECESSOR/UDX.EDXF.GTIN | dtSTRING(0..14) | The GTIN of the predecessor | 2BA.Product.GTINVoorganger |
UDX.2BA.PRODUCTSUCCESSOR/UDX.EDXF.TRADEITEMID | dtSTRING(0..35) | The manufacturers productnumber to the successor | 2BA.Product.ProductcodeOpvolger |
UDX.2BA.PRODUCTSUCCESSOR/UDX.EDXF.GTIN | dtSTRING(0..14) | The GTIN of the successor | 2BA.Product.GTINOpvolger |
Field | Type | Description | Mapping |
UDX.2BA.FREETEXT01 | dtSTRING(0..70) | Free value 1 | 2BA.Artikel.KM01 |
... 02 to 09 | ... | ... | ... |
UDX.2BA.FREETEXT10 | dtSTRING(0..70) | Free value 10 | 2BA.Artikel.KM10 |
UDX.2BA.ARTICLEPREDECESSOR/UDX.EDXF.TRADEITEMID | dtSTRING(0..35) | The suppliers articlenumber to the predecessor | 2BA.Artikel.ArtikelnummerVoorganger |
UDX.2BA.ARTICLEPREDECESSOR/UDX.EDXF.GTIN | dtSTRING(0..14) | The GTIN of the predecessor | 2BA.Artikel.GTINVoorganger |
UDX.2BA.ARTICLESUCCESSOR/UDX.EDXF.TRADEITEMID | dtSTRING(0..35) | The suppliers articlenumber to the successor | 2BA.Artikel.ArtikelnummerOpvolger |
UDX.2BA.ARTICLESUCCESSOR/UDX.EDXF.GTIN | dtSTRING(0..14) | The GTIN of the successor | 2BA.Artikel.GTINOpvolger |
UDX.2BA.DEEPLINK | dtSTRING(0..512) | Link to the tradeitem details on the website of the supplier | 2BA.Artikel.Deeplink |
UDX.2BA.STATUSCODE | dtSTRING(0..3) | Statuscode in GS1 format (84E, 94E) | 2BA.Artikel.Statuscode |
UDX.2BA.BUYINGGROUP | dtSTRING(0..17) | 2BA.Artikel.Afnamegroep | |
UDX.2BA.PROCESSABLEINDICATOR | dtSTRING(0..2) | Is the article direct processable "SU"? If article is packed use "NS" | 2BA.Artikel.Verwerkbaar |
UDX.2BA.ORDERABLEINDICATOR | dtSTRING(0..2) | Is article orderable? Orderable "TU"; Not orderable "NO" | 2BA.Artikel.Bestelbaar |
UDX.2BA.MAKETOSTOCKINDICATOR | dtBOOLEAN | Is article default on stock? | 2BA.Artikel.CodeVoorraadArtikel |
The XSD is available here:
Currently the mapping definition is not yet available.
Import process
First of all we validate the delivered file to the corresponding XML schema. Please take care of delivering a VALID file. Although we try to import invalid files, we will not take any time to fix import problems caused by an invalid file!
From the BMEcat file we try to import every product as a product AND as an base trade item to the 2BA database. We are using, if available, the ETIM packaging information from the MIN=1 and MAX=1 level at creating the base trade item. In the near future we will create multiple trade items from multiple packaging levels in BMEcat.
All Element names should be in capitals. You can download the example source code here.
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