Below is a list of our partners.
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At 2BA all technical characteristics and trade data of producers and wholesalers from the installation sector are collected in one database. Daily exchange of data with 2BA is possible for all parties so that you always have access to the most up-to-date data.

ETIM International is the international standardization committee for ETIM and is founded to join forces in the development, maintenance, publishing and promotion of one ETIM Model for the classification of technical products. The long-term goal of ETIM International is to achieve that the ETIM model becomes the most used technical information model in the involved industries.

Fesah - Federation Sanitary & Heating
FESAH is the Belgian trade federation of wholesalers in sanitary and heating technologies. She is responsible for defending the general interests of the sector. The entire sector represents an economic interest in Belgium with a turnover of € 2.1 billion.
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