Three new functionalities available


Introduction of 3 important new functionalities

Three important new functionalities are now available in the management environment:

1. Interest list
Customers now have the possibility to include manufacturers on an interest list. This makes it possible to view directly whether new data is available and to receive an e-mail when a manufacturer has uploaded a new dataset. InstallData uses this list to leverage new data providers.

2. User account
This function offers the superuser the possibility to create and manage accounts under his company.
3. My data
The [My Data] menu item allows the data provider to view his product and trade data and associated attachments. All data is visible, both the data that is available to the customers and the data that has been delivered with a dataset but has not yet been uploaded publicly (as a control function).

When a manufacturer uploads data to the staging environment, he can now view this data as if it had already been published. The customers do not see this data. The manufacturer can now view this data and analyze the read-in reports with errors and warnings and can study the statistics report. Then he decides whether the data is suitable for publication. As soon as the manufacturer releases this data, it is published on the production environment and everyone can see it.

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